Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Seven Days

Seven more days, Ohio.

Seven days, Florida. And Pennsylvania, and Virginia, and North Carolina. Seven days, Colorado, and Indiana. Seven days to go. Seven days to get it right. One week to say bye-bye to Bush, and, to make sure these are the last seven days for McBush, too. He'll be just fine in the Senate, thanks. Seven days, United States, to volunteer, give money, talk to your neighbors, and your family, and your friends. Seven measly days, United States. Just make sure to show up in seven days, and don't leave until you get to vote. What other election will be more important?

Monday, October 27, 2008

Maverick, No

Did you know that even the actual and original "Maverick" family denounces the idea of John McCain and Sarah Palin touting themselves as outsider rebels?

Just thought it was telling, that's all. Part of the false myths and outright lies being forced upon America by these two, all in the name of trying to dupe people into voting for them, at any, and all, costs. Where's the honor, John? Not very presidential of you guys.

Friday, October 24, 2008

West Virginia, A Good Neighbor

I like this recent speech, given by Joe Biden, over in West Virginia, highlighted over at DemConWatch.

How to Win Friends and Influence People(?!), McCain/Palin-Style

One of the more disheartening, and, I think, revealing aspects of the whole Republican Presidential campaign this time around has been about tone.

I'm not saying that political contests should in any way be a congeniality comparison, but, in some broader aspects, perhaps it should be, at least a little bit: It's about how we treat people, and how we work with people; you know, it's how we govern.

I can't look at Barack Obama, or Joe Biden, and not think that they seem downright Presidential. As in, the way I've always hoped The President of Our United States of America should be, and wished they would be. As in 'look, son, or daughter, someday you could aspire to be like that person'. And actually mean it! And actually think it for myself, as well! How incredible that could be, thinking that our President actually represented the best, and the brightest, and the most diplomatic, of our ideals, and our dreams as a people.

Have you actually heard John McCain, Cindy McCain, and Sarah Palin speak? Like, really, not just reading a prepared speech, by a speechwriter? Heck, even in the prepared speeches, perhaps especially so! What strikes me is what horrible people they're all coming across as. Truly awful, as in, the worst of us, as a people, and of a Democracy, and of an anti-ideal. Are they doing this by design, or is this just the way they really act? Does it matter? Is this how they think of all of us? These awful folks, at least publically awful, since I, of course, don't know them personally, are trying to win people over this way? By appearing to be horrible, disrespectful, fear-mongering, unlikable, untruthful people? I just don't get it, because if this is how they treat their fellow senators, and their American public, how in the heck are they going to treat everybody else on the planet?

Presidents of the Free World don't act like this, and they sure as heck shouldn't run a campaign like this. What happened to the old, somewhat diplomatic John McCain? I guess it doesn't matter, and perhaps it was always a falsehood, because, apparently, this is the real John McCain, or, at least, this is the way he wants to come across now. Which really should be the same thing, shouldn't it?

Appealing to the absolute worst in us? No, thanks, that's not the America I know, or the America I want. Our choice of Our America is on November Fourth.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Chester Counties Across the Country

Nice blog post here, about phone banking in Pennsylvania, over at DemConWatch, entitled "Chester County Reflections".

I've never volunteered for a presidential candidate before this election, (wish I had, though), and I've had to do a bit of phone calling, too, which I find exceedingly difficult. Necessary, important, interesting, vital, but for me, difficult, to call folks in their homes. I'm amazed at the volunteers I've witnessed who are exceedingly good at it, and am thankful so many people have taken up the good cause. And, yes, every local office still needs more help, and would be thrilled to have you stop by. Maybe I'll see you there.

Come On, Swing Staters!

Don't think for a second that this is over, or that this won't still take effort.

We need this, my family needs this, my country sure as heck needs this; and even though I live in a city, I still think of myself as a "Real American", you betcha, and I bet everybody else in our cities do, too. Way to be even more divisive, McBush/Palin, right when our country needs unity. Real classy, guys. You sure are coming off as representing the people of your country reeeaal well. Real inspiring as potential leaders.

Original art here, with proceeds going here.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Sixteen Days Left

Yes, I know that Joe, the Not-Actual Plumber, is from Ohio, and that Joe, the Not-Actual Taxpayer (according to records), wouldn't pay higher taxes under Obama, despite all that John McCain tries to claim, in another gross and desperate attempt to pretend that McCain is a "friend" to middle and working-class people. "My friend", "my friends", "my old buddy Joe", etc., etc...come on, do you really think Mr. McCain would really be a "friend" to any of us, if given the chance? Maybe he'd put us up in one of his eight (to ten) houses, in quite a friendly gesture.

Ohio, I swear I would forever forgive you for going to the "W." side in 2000, and 2004, if you just do that which i know you're capable of, and rightly motivated to do, and vote for the candidates that actually speak for you, Misters Obama and Biden, on November 4th. Wouldn't that just feel awesome, voting for the candidates that you actually have hopes for, and inspiration about?

The only thing the McCain-Palin campaign truly inspires is hate and division, in a backwards, fear-mongering, classless way, which crassly treats Americans as caricatures of themselves, and caricatures of their beliefs and dreams. Like there's only one kind of American, and if you're not 100% in that moose-hunting helicopter, then you might as well be a terrorist.

I've seen these Palin-McCain rallies; and there's no way Mrs. Cheney/McBush are trying to quell notions of hate and fear-driven politics. It's filthy how they're running this thing, and it certainly isn't patriotic, or American, or "Country First". Notions of "Country First" got thrown out immediately when Mrs. Palin was selected as the next President-in-Waiting, by our Melonoma-suffering 72-year-old. If no one hears that clock tick-tick-ticking, you're simply delusional. What a crass, desperate, and dangerous selection, just for some headlines. Is anybody falling for these parlor tricks?

Any possible points that John McCain may have scored in his career have been completely wiped out by this pathetic, false, and completely dirty campaign. And it really is a shame. What's going on there? Whatever it is, it certainly isn't Presidential.

Ohio deserves a better president, along with every other state. This election can be amazing, if we want to make it amazing.

I want an amazing America. I think I see a good leader for such a thing.

Please, Ohio.