Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Be Great Like Erie

This is what I'm wearing today for you, Ohio! Bring it home, and be great. If you're waiting in line, stay in line! They have to let you vote if you're in line, whatever time it is! Ohioans, bring the people in line some donuts!

This counts for you, too, Pennsylvania! And Michigan, and Virginia, and Florida, and, aw, heck, everybody. Don't let billionaires' money count more than your votes.

Monday, November 5, 2012

A President for the 100%

Regarding Obama: Now that's what a President looks like. Can you even imagine Romney doing that? You know, caring and empathizing? You know, with a human being? For the love of humanity, I can't. And other thing: can you imagine Ann Romney in that scene? Are you kidding me?! Oh my goodness, that's laughable! The thought that the Romneys can relate to any of our actual-world problems is disgusting and misguided, America, and you know it.

Four more years of an actual President and First Family to be proud of, Ohio, please.


Yes. Yes it does.

Vote Obama.

Don't Come Around Here No More

Beats me, Buckeyes, beats me.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

The Final Push: It's On Us


Very nice. Original link here.

Dawg Pound for Obama 2012

I don't care if the Browns lost to the original Browns today, Ohio, I'm wearing this with pride. It just looks right with that Obama button, too. I know the lines are long, but keep it up! If we can't win on Sunday, we can sure as heck win on Tuesday! But you gotta keep keepin' on, and bringing your friends, for a couple of more days...

We are too close to back down now, Ohio...Vote it home.

Driving Home This Election: On The U.S. Auto Industry


Hi, Ohio. It's me, Mark. I'm from Dayton.

President Obama saved the U.S auto industry. This is very true. I believe 1 in 8 Ohio jobs rely on the auto industry, even after so many of the plants have shut down. I know it's tough. Without Obama, it would have been tougher. And it will be tougher, yet, with those other guys, if you let them slip in. You really think Mitt Romney would ever actually set foot in Ohio if the election didn't count on it? Nah. He "claims" he's a son of Michigan, yet Michigan wants nothing to do with him. That's telling.

Obama: "I knew betting on American workers was the right thing to do."

Romney: "Let Detroit go bankrupt." 

There's a big difference there, Buckeye State. Let's put the "O" back in Ohio.